Aftercare Instructions
Please carefully follow aftercare instructions. Improper aftercare can result in an infection.
Please consult with a medical professional if you have any signs or symptoms of an infection.
Infection symptoms may include but are not limited to: a rash, pus, pain, fever, excessive redness, hot to the touch, and swelling.
Traditional Aftercare Instructions
Day 1: You’ll come home from the tattoo studio with a bandage or plastic wrap over your tattoo. After a few hours, you can remove it.
Once the covering comes off, you’ll probably notice fluid oozing from the tattoo. This is blood, plasma (the clear part of blood), and some extra ink. It’s normal. Your skin will also be red and sore. It might feel slightly warm to the touch.
With clean hands, wash the tattoo with warm water and a fragrance-free soap. Apply a thin layer of fragrance-free and alcohol-free moisturizer. Leave the covering off so the tattoo can heal.
Days 2 to 3: By now, your tattoo will have a duller, cloudier appearance. This happens as your skin heals. Scabs will start to form.
Wash your tattoo once or twice a day, and apply a thin layer of fragrance-free and alcohol-free moisturizer. When you wash, you might notice some ink running into the sink. This is just excess ink that’s come up through your skin.
Days 4 to 6: The redness should start to fade.
You’ll probably notice some light scabbing over the tattoo. The scabs shouldn’t be as thick as the scabs you get when you cut yourself, but they’ll be raised. Don’t pick at the scabs — this can cause scarring.
Keep washing your tattoo once or twice a day. Apply a thin layer of fragrance-free and alcohol-free moisturizer.
Days 6 to 14: The scabs have hardened and will begin to flake off.
Don’t pick at them or try to pull them off. Let them come off naturally. Otherwise, you could pull out the ink and leave scars.
At this point, your skin may feel very itchy. Gently rub on a fragrance-free and alcohol-free moisturizer several times a day to relieve the itch.
Days 15 to 30: In this last stage of healing, most of the big flakes will be gone and the scabs should be going away. You might still see some dead skin, but it should eventually clear up too.
The tattooed area might still look dry and dull. Keep moisturizing until the skin looks hydrated again.
By the second or third week, the outer layers of skin should’ve healed. It may take 3 to 4 months for the lower layers to completely heal. By the end of your third month, the tattoo should look as bright and vivid as the artist intended.
Consult a health care professional at the first sign of infection.
Visit: https://www.healthline.com/health/tattoo-aftercare#aftercare-by-day for more information
Second Skin Aftercare Instructions
Second Skin AKA Tegaderm, Saniderm, Derm Shield, ViewGuard, Transparent Waterproof Dressing
Leave your second skin bandage on for 3-5 full days after getting your tattoo. It is water resistant but not waterproof, so go ahead and shower as usual - however, please don’t take a bath or go swimming with the bandage.
It's normal for your second skin bandage to fill with plasma, ink and blood. This is part of the healing process.
If you experience redness or irritation at the edges of the second skin that lasts longer than a couple of days, you may be having a mild reaction to the adhesive on the bandage. If you are having irritation from the second skin you can remove it at any time. Please be extremely gentle when removing the second skin if it has been less than 24 hours. The best way to remove your second skin is to slowly peel it off in the shower. The water will release the adhesive and should not cause you any pain. Please do not rip off the second skin like a bandaid. This can cause damage to your skin and new tattoo!
Please remove the second skin if it becomes damaged, rolls up to expose the tattoo, or starts leaking. Please be gentle when removing. You are still healing under the bandage!
IMPORTANT! If the second skin is leaking it is critical that you remove the film. Bacteria are able to get under the second skin if there is an opening and this increases your risk of infection. Do not try to tape the second skin or reapply it in any way. It is much safer for you to just follow traditional aftercare instructions if this happens.
After 3-5 days, the best way to remove your second skin is to slowly peel it off in the shower. You still have a fresh tattoo and it will be tender!
After the second skin is removed, wash and moisturize your tattoo as usual. Follow the traditional aftercare instructions after you remove your second skin.
Consult a health care professional at the first sign of infection.